Faculty/Staff Directory

Faculty/Staff Directory

First Name

Last Name
Balsamy-Kamaraj, Ph.D.

Dr. Abishek Balsamy-Kamaraj


  • Assistant Professor

Office Address
245 Kennedy Hall of Engineering

Field Of Study
  • Interdisciplinary Engineering
  • Product Design & Manufacturing Engineering


EGR-185 First-Year Engineering Design
EGR-251 Materials Laboratory;
EGR 450/550 Manufacturing Control Systems;
EGR 480/580 Fundamentals of Additive Manufacturing

Degrees & Cetifications
  • Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering
  • University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • M.S. in Mechanical Engineering
  • University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • B.E. (Hons.) in Mechanical Engineering
  • BITS – Pilani, India.

  1. Ramesh, S., Deep, A., Tamayol, A., Kamaraj, A. B., Mahajan, C., & Madihally, S. (2024). Advancing 3D bioprinting through machine learning and artificial intelligence.
  2. Petrenko, A., & Kamaraj, A. B. (2023). The Effect of Pulsed Power During Electrochemical Surface Modification on the Wettability of Aluminum and Titanium Alloy.
  3. Fox, H., Kamaraj, A. B., & Drake, D. (2022). Investigating the effect of powder recoater blade material on the mechanical properties of parts manufactured using a powder-bed fusion process.
  4. Murali, H., & Kamaraj, A. B. (2021). Investigating the effect of twisting and printing orientation on the toughness of 3-D printed parts.
  5. Kamaraj, A. B., Reed, N., & Sundaram, M. (2021). Effect of Ultra-High Pulse Frequency on the resolution in the Electrochemical Deposition of Nickel.
  6. Kamaraj, A. B., & Sundaram, M. (2020). A mathematical model to predict the porosity of nickel pillars manufactured by localized electrochemical deposition under pulsed voltage conditions.
  7. Brant, A., Kamaraj, A. B., & Sundaram, M. (2020). Study of Residual Stress in Nickel Micro Parts Made by Electrochemical Additive Manufacturing.
  8. Kamaraj, A. B., & Sundaram, M. (2019). A mathematical model of the deposition rate and layer height during electrochemical additive manufacturing.
  9. Manukyan, N., Kamaraj, A. B., & Sundaram, M. (2019). Localized Electrochemical Deposition Using Ultra-High Frequency Pulsed Power.
  10. Sundaram, M., Drexelius, A., & Kamaraj, A. B. (2019). A study on the effect of interelectrode gap in the electrochemical additive manufacturing process.
  11. Sundaram, M., Kamaraj, A. B., & Lillie, G. (2018). Experimental Study of Localized Electrochemical Deposition of Ni-Cu Alloy Using a Moving Anode.
  12. Kamaraj, A. B., & Sundaram, M. (2018). A study on the effect of inter-electrode gap and pulse voltage on current density in electrochemical additive manufacturing.
  13. Kamaraj, A. B., Shrestha, H., Speck, E., & Sundaram, M. (2017). Experimental Study on the Porosity of Electrochemical Nickel Deposits.
  14. Kamaraj, A. B., Lewis, S., & Sundaram, M. (2016). Numerical Study of Localized Electrochemical Deposition for Micro Electrochemical Additive Manufacturing.
  15. Brant, A. M., Sundaram, M. M., & Kamaraj, A. B. (2015). Finite Element Simulation of Localized Electrochemical Deposition for Maskless Electrochemical Additive Manufacturing.
  16. Kamaraj, A. B., & Sundaram, M. M. (2015). Analytical and Experimental Study of Electrochemical Micromilling.
  17. Kamaraj, A. B., Shaw, V., & Sundaram, M. M. (2015). Novel Fabrication of Un-coated Super-hydrophobic Aluminum via Pulsed Electrochemical Surface Modification.
  18. Kamaraj, A. B., Jui, S. K., Cai, Z., & Sundaram, M. M. (2015). A mathematical model to predict overcut during electrochemical discharge machining.
  19. Sundaram, M. M., Kamaraj, A. B., & Kumar, V. S. (2015). Mask-Less Electrochemical Additive Manufacturing: A Feasibility Study.
  20. Kamaraj, A. B., & Sundaram, M. M. (2014). Reducing tool wear in micro electrochemical machining by cryogenic treatment.
  21. Jui, S. K., Kamaraj, A. B., & Sundaram, M. M. (2013). High aspect ratio micromachining of glass by electrochemical discharge machining (ECDM).
  22. Kamaraj, A. B., & Sundaram, M. M. (2013). Mathematical modeling and verification of pulse electrochemical micromachining


Additive manufacturing, Industry 4.0, Electrochemical manufacturing, Process modeling and Simulation, micro-manufacturing, Industrial automation, Biomedical devices, and Engineering education.


Abishek Balsamy Kamaraj is an assistant professor in the School of Engineering at Grand Valley State University. He has experience teaching design, materials, manufacturing, robotics, and additive manufacturing courses. His research interests include additive manufacturing, Industry 4.0, electrochemical manufacturing, process modeling and simulation, micro-manufacturing, industrial automation, biomedical devices, and engineering education. Abishek has authored 24 peer-reviewed publications, including journal articles and conference papers, contributed to 3 invention disclosures, and has over 600 citations of his scholarly writings. Abishek holds a Ph.D. and master’s in mechanical engineering from the University of Cincinnati and a bachelor’s degree from BITS-Pilani, India. Abishek’s Ph.D. dissertation was titled “A Study of localized electrochemical deposition for metal additive manufacturing.” This National Science Foundation (NSF) funded research focused on a novel non-thermal metal additive manufacturing process capable of manufacturing lightweight parts with engineered porosity. He serves as the media director for the manufacturing and design (M&D)division of IISE. Previously, he has served the M&D division as the lead track chair, conference paper reviewer, and best paper award judge. Abishek has been recognized for his research through grants and awards from the National Science Foundation, the Department of Education, and several foundations. Abishek was recognized for his teaching with the IISE M&D division Outstanding Teaching award in 2021. Abishek is also a member of professional organizations such as ASME, SME, and IISE.


Page last modified March 25, 2020