Industry-sponsored Graduate Fellowships (IGF)

We meet the demand for educated and experienced engineers, while providing direct benefit to industry through an innovative approach to graduate student support — the Industry Sponsored Graduate Fellowship Program. Here’s how it works:

  • Participating companies sponsor a GVSU MSE Industry Sponsored Graduate Fellow (IGF) by providing a paid internship position and covering the cost of the Fellow’s tuition.
  • The IGF will perform supervised engineering assignments and applied research at the sponsoring company, typically for 20 hours/week in the fall and winter semesters, while taking a full time graduate course load.
  • In the summer, the IGF will be assigned 40 hours/week in their internship position and may enroll in 0-3 credit hours of course load.

This unique model establishes the MSE program at GVSU with a distinctive identity unlike any other Graduate Program in the country, and is attracting many high caliber students. Moreover, the program will provide the essential funding to build a vibrant graduate school in engineering.

Student working on project.

Win^3 (win-cubed): the governing philosophy behind the IGF based on the principle that it should create value for all the three constituents - student, company, and university. 

Benefits for Sponsors

  • Leveraging GVSU's ability to attract domestic and international talent with specialized skill sets.
  • Access to uninterrupted talent pipeline.
  • Ability to train engineer to match company's requirements - longest job interview!
  • Multinational organizations can recruit employees with US industry experience.
  • Possibility of generating Intellectual Property at no additional cost.
  • Contributing to developing the broader West Michigan community.

Benefits for Student

  • Opportunity to earn a graduate degree and get valuable work experience.
  • Become expert practitioners in the field.
  • Fully funded graduate education.
  • Can negotiate a better career entry position after degree completion.
  • International students can make a smooth transition into US industry.

Benefits for GVSU

  • Ability to recruit high caliber graduate students , and build a well diversified graduate program.
  • Direct contribution to the community by providing a talent pipeline from the US and abroad.
  • Leading in innovative Graduate Engineering education.
  • Developing a high quality and economically sustainable graduate program to produce engineers with practical, relevant, applied industry experience.

Sample Program Plan


Fall 1

Winter 1

S/S 1

Fall 2

Winter 2

Student course load

Student work hours

9 cr

20 hrs/week

9 cr

20 hrs/week

3 cr

40 hrs/week

6 cr

20 hrs/week

6 cr

20 hrs/week


  • Estimated tuition cost for 9 graduate credits is ~$7,800* paid directly to the University. GVSU will bill the sponsor for tuition each semester.
  • Stipends are negotiated between sponsor and student, and we expect the rate to reflect student status as a degreed engineer. Stipends are paid directly to the student by the sponsor. 

*2024-2025 engineering graduate tuition is $863/credit.

Current and Past IGF Sponsors

Interested in supporting an IGF or learning more about the program and how it can benefit your company? Contact the Graduate Program Director.

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Page last modified February 23, 2025