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Archaeology Minor

Archaeology is the study of the breadth and diversity of human experience, from the earliest appearance of humankind to the recent past. You can gain interesting insights into cultures around the world through the study of archaeology.

Visit the program website for more information.

Program Overview

The archaeology minor offers a flexible program that can include study in a variety of disciplines such as anthropology, art history, classics, geology, history, and more. Students will have the opportunity to take part in excavation projects and other collaborative research with faculty.

Why Study Archaeology at Grand Valley?

  • GVSU archaeologists are involved in excavation and laboratory projects worldwide. You can take part in research projects both locally and globally, developing transferable skills that will give you that extra edge on the job market.
  • Archaeology's interdisciplinary character makes it one of the best ways to truly experience the value of liberal education.
  • The Archaeological Society of GVSU brings together students and faculty interested in archaeology.
  • Student participation with professional and vocational groups such as the Michigan Archaeological Society and the Archaeological Institute of America is encouraged.

Location & Format

Undergraduate students in this program study on the Grand Valley Allendale Campus.

  • Face To Face


Students pursuing the minor in archaeology complete seven courses (minimum 22 credits) as follows:

  • Three core courses (ten hours total).
  • One cross-disciplinary elective (three, four, or five hours depending on chosen course).
  • One field research practicum (three hours minimum).
  • Two regional issues courses (six hours total).

Career Options

  • Communications
  • Cultural resource management
  • Government service
  • Law
  • Museum management
  • Writing and publishing

For More Information

Interdepartmental Archaeology Minor
225 Lake Michigan Hall
(616) 331-3231
[email protected]

Admissions and Recruitment Office


“I love archaeology at GVSU because it's so interdisciplinary. The interesting techniques and skills I've learned in the field and in class will open lots of doors for me when I graduate.”


“Archaeology is one of the widest studies - best fitted to open the mind, and to produce the wide interests and toleration which is the highest result of education.”

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